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Healthways group exercise classes, SilverSneakers® Classic, SilverSneakers® Circuit, SilverSneakers® Yoga, SilverSneakers® Splash and SilverSneakers® CardioFit, are multi-level, equipment-based, total-body conditioning classes. The overall class objectives are to minimize age-related physical deterioration, improve health-related and skill-related physical fitness components to increase functional activities for daily living, and increase a person’s sense of well-being in a group exercise setting.
Goals of the classes are to improve overall fitness, promote health education, especially as it relates to health status issues, and encourage social interaction in a group setting. The focus of the classes is to increase muscular strength and endurance and range of motion, resulting in functional improvements in posture, balance, weight transfer activities, coordination, agility and body awareness. Your instructors will receive training and follow-through offered by no other organization in the country. Older-adult instructor training courses, evaluations, continual feedback, and continuing education in older-adult fitness are standard in the curriculum.
The purpose of SilverSneakers instructor training and the resource materials is to consistently offer instructors the latest information, research updates and practical tools to deliver SilverSneakers classes in the safest and most effective format. For any questions regarding the classes, please refer to the SilverSneakers® Classic instructor module and resource materials.